Monday, May 18, 2009

Spring, busy spring!

Wow, what a busy week, and more to come. We had a wonderful weekend of family time this past weekend. My whole family got together for a steak grill-fest on Sat., then I drove home with my youngest daughter and spent the night with her family so I could enter a small local artshow in her hometown for fun. I did well, a first and a second place so a check to help pay for the gas to get there! :-)
I've been planting/potting up my flowers to make the summer more enjoyable. I just can't seem to live without my flowers. Tomorrow I hope to be back at the easel for at least a little while.
I've posted an updated photo of myself- at my mini easel ofcourse- and also another miniature painting - an elk calf I saw last fall in Yellowstone. What fun that was - a whole herd of them in amongst the buildings at the north end of the park. I had to add my own background as he was surrounded by houses and such. I'm adding a close-up shot with a penny so you can get a feel for the size and detail involved in a miniature.


Mona Diane Conner said...

beautifully done. I love how you chose to light the scene in the background.

Carol Andre' said...

Thanks Mona. I just loved doing this calf- his face was so sweet.