Sunday, June 7, 2009

Jeepers, Creepers- We Got PEEPERS!!!

WE GOT EYES!!! They're kind of blue yet- don't think we see much other than shape/light maybe, but they are starting to look like puppies! And we haven't gotten to "cute" yet remember! :-)
The top photo is to remind you of where they started and you can see they've grown!

As you can see they've grown alot, their noses are darkening, and they are very, very well fed! Can you see the nose stop on the side photo? They have nice apple heads (chihuahua feature) and the nice "stop" where the nose meets the head. They will keep getting cuter and cuter now and next week the playful puppy thing will start to show a bit. Right now it's still eat/sleep/eat.


Kelly Singleton said...


Tracy Hall said...

Your egret is coming on wonderfully Carol. The pups are simply gorgeous...wish I was closer and could cuddle them!!

Carol Andre' said...

Just wait a week or 2 Tracy- you'll really wish that then! Thanks- I am hoping to finish him up in a day or so. Have been taking classes over the past 2 weekends (Fri. night thru Sun. night) and studying for a test on Fri. (coming) Not much time to paint. Dead tired- and guess what- it's our 5th anniversary Fri. What a way to spend/celebrate it- taking a test!!! At least we're doing it together!
Hi, Kelly. Good to hear from you. Love your owls.

Barbara A. Freeman said...

Oh they are so cute! Thanks for sharing them. Like Tracy, wish I could hold them and get my cute puppy fix!
Oh, and I really like your egret. Good job on the reflection, too.

Carol Andre' said...

You're so welcome Barbara. I love my puppies and my dogs and I love sharing them. I wish you all could come over for a puppy party!!! I just love looking at them all sacked out or picking them up- they are such warm, fat little bundles. Can't wait for them to get big enough to play- not long now. They can sort of "totter" around on their legs- very wobbley.
The heron still does not satisfy me- I believe I know what I want to do and hopefully you will see a big change (for the better) when I can find time to work on him.