Monday, September 13, 2010

Missing in Action!!!

My computer has died on me so I've been unable to post here for awhile. I nearly lost all my photos, but luckily I was able to have someone salvage them. Since I can't post any photos for you I happened upon this website which I found rather interesting and fun to peruse. It has all sorts of "tips" and "recipes" and "how-tos". Everything from making homemade laundry soap to how to plant tuplips to random household tips.
I hope to have a computer back in use within a week or so if all goes "as planned". I'll have a new painting or 2 for you then. Until then, I hope you enjoy the tips site...


Mona Diane Conner said...

Carol, I'm so sorry for your computer trouble. I went through a crash in January, and I know what an ordeal it can be. You are missed, and try to let painting keep your worries at bay. Thanks for that site tip---nice resource!

Unknown said...

Welcome back Carol!! :)