Monday, May 17, 2010

New Painting Subjects! Motocross- FUN!

I went with my youngest daughter to watch my granddaughter while Melanie (daughter) raced her 4 wheeler in a motocross event this weekend. We camped there Sat. night and then all day Sun. was dirt bikes and 4 wheelers! We had a wonderful time and I unexpectedly found some new painting subjects. The weekend was GORGEOUS, weather beautiful, not a bug around, and the bikes and flags, etc. were just soooo colorful and watching them go up and over hills, fly up in the air on these machines and have such a great time and such nice camraderie was just wonderful to see. There are only a few girls doing this, but all participants- men and women- are very sportsman-like- they stop and help each other if they get stuck, they are courteous about moving out of the way if another is behind them and trying to get around, etc. It's done in laps with several groups at a time going round so they can be overtaken quite a bit plus each group has faster and slower riders. It's not so hugely about winning as about the actual sport. Ofcourse they want to win, but they still remember the meaning behind that word. It was a wonderful experience and I hope I get to attend more of them this summer. I thought you might enjoy a few photos from our day.

Just hanging out...

Unloading the "steed"

All suited up...



That's my girl!!!

Ofcourse, no outing would be complete without a visit to the park play area...

The PRIZE...

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